Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Game Based Learning Has Huge Benefits! But don't take our word for it, see what the scientists say

I saw this infographic posted on Edudemic's blog recently and it made me smile - someone collected Mathbreakers value proposition and the reasons why we're working super hard to make our game great for kids into an infographic. Thanks Knowledge Guru!

Highlights from Edudemic:
  1. 1|  Games can make people behave better
  2. 2|  Learners perform better when using game-based learning
  3. 3|  Without games, the grade distribution is much more even across letter grads.  With games, the distribution of grades is highly tilting towards the "A" range with almost no grades in the failing range.
  4. 4|  Players work harder voluntarily with game-based learning
  5. 5|  The work tends to be more relevant and easier to recall in 'real live'
  6. 6|  Timely and appropriate feedback is worked into the game design
  7. 7|  The challenges, structure, and goals are generally quite clear in game based learning

While our game is still in development, we've done some preliminary testing through workshops and have witnessed moments of these benefits in our young testers already - just a couple of examples:

No. 4:
We've literally had kids slink off into corners with laptops to continue playing our game as "their turn" was coming to an end.  In other cases, we've extended workshops over an hour past the designated end time to allow kids to continue playing the game.  Unsurprisingly, we haven't heard from parents that their children act this way with math homework.

No. 7:
Mathbreakers is an "action-adventure" game and requires exploration to discover goals as well as master levels.  Our young testers, many of whom are trying the game for the first time, are very adept at discovering goals and piecing together what they've learned along the way to progress through the game.

Have questions or thoughts on game based learning and how you can incorporate Mathbreakers into your classroom, feel free to get in touch with our founders +Charlie Van Norman, +Vivian Tan & +Morgan Quirk.

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