Monday, April 28, 2014

Aggh! Mistakes!

Part of being a 3-person team building a pretty complex product means that we mess up sometimes. For the past 7 days, the downloadable game on our website was not playable, because all the graphics had messed up. Oops! How did this happen?

Well, it's of course my fault for not double- and triple-checking each build I upload. But, sometimes a build is uploaded that was not thoroughly tested, which is surprisingly easy to do because we have an automated "build and upload" process. The exact cause of this mistake was that during our iOS development, Unity crashed while "switching" from Mac to iOS, and some assets were destroyed, but no error was given so we had no idea.

Fortunately, we were able to load the project from an earlier build (thank Godel for Version Control!), the problem was fixed, and we didn't end up losing too much work.

My personal apologies to anyone who downloaded the game between April 20 - April 27, because you got a broken build. There is a working build up now, and we are continually working to reduce bugs and improve the performance of the game.

Thanks to all the teachers, parents, and kids who use Mathbreakers for your support of our project! Our team is looking forwards to perfecting our product, and making it better each week for you. Stay tuned for more updates!

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